Mussel risotto with edamame beans
If you're looking for a way to serve mussels that vary from the usual, look no further! This is a great way to enjoy mussels in a way you probably haven't had before. It's delicious, and while it takes a bit of patience, it is definitely worth the wait.
What you’ll need
- 50g butter
- 1 onion, finely chopped
- 300g edamame
- 1.7l hot vegetable stock
- 350g risotto rice
- 200ml white wine
- 25g parmesan, or vegetarian alternative, grated
- 2 good handfuls of pea shoots
- 150g precooked mussels
- extra-virgin olive oil, to drizzle (optional)
Let's Cook!

Step 1
Melt the butter in a large pan, add the onion and gently sweat for about 10 mins until really soft.

Step 2
Stir the rice into the onion, increase heat to medium and sizzle the rice for 1 min. Pour in the wine, then bubble and stir until completely absorbed. Continue cooking like this, adding a ladleful of stock at a time, and stirring continuously until the rice is tender and has a good creamy consistency – this will take 20-30 mins

Step 3
Stir in the edamame beans, mussels, parmesan and some seasoning, then turn off the heat and leave to stand for a few mins.

Step 4
Give the risotto a final stir, spoon into shallow bowls and top with some pea shoots and a drizzle of olive oil, if you like.