“Fantastic Online Retailer To Buy Frozen Seafood From” 

Oscietre Sturgeon Caviar

  • Each tin is full to the brim with fresh caviar from Greece
  • It has a characteristic nutty taste
  • We suggest around 30-50g per person
  • Store in fridge - once opened consume within 3 days

If caviars were Bordeaux wines, Oscietre might be considered a Deuxieme...

  • Each tin is full to the brim with fresh caviar from Greece
  • It has a characteristic nutty taste
  • We suggest around 30-50g per person
  • Store in fridge - once opened consume within 3 days

If caviars were Bordeaux wines, Oscietre might be considered a Deuxieme Cru - behind beluga, ahead of almost everything else. That's not the reason we call it Number 2, but it's a happy coincidence. Our Caviar Number 2 is a rare delicacy from Guldenstaedtii or Osceitre sturgeon, produced by our friends in Italy who have supplied our caviar for over ten years. In the days when caviar came from wild fish, oscietre was unusually variable in terms of size, flavour and colour. At its most striking, oscietre could be bright gold and at the very least it came with a brown tinge. You'll find such a tinge in Number 2, and also the characteristic nutty trace in its taste. 

50g would give you two decent servings or could be spread over about 15 handsome canapes.

(Spoon not included)


Here's a note about borax in caviar.


Sustainability - our rating 9/10

Sturgeon are on the endangered species list in the wild. This is why we only deal with farmed sturgeon. Farming sturgeon is helping to re-populate rivers and preserve the species. The impact on habitat is minimal as the ponds are land based. 

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Oscietre Sturgeon Caviar -
Fresher Than Fresh Money Back Guarantee
  • Farmed
  • Cured
  • Italy

We’re the UK’s No.1 specialist online fishmonger. We professionally freeze fish when it’s at it’s freshest to pause the clock on quality.