Our Seafood Demonstration

The Fish Society | 18.05.2017

Earlier this month we were kindly invited to The Hungry Guest in Petworth to host a seafood demonstration. The Hungry Guest are an award winning food group based in Petworth who have a deli, frozen shop and cafe under their umbrella. We had previously attended their supplier demonstration nights and were very impressed, so we were grateful when we were offered our own position.

We took a black cod, halibut and some giant prawns for the demo. Alistair explained the different cuts, farming or catch methods and touched on some simple cooking tips. Below are a few clips from the evening. What you do not see in the video is the extensive distribution of raw fish to the audience. They may have got more than they bargained for with Alistair sending round boards of raw cuts from different parts of the fish to describe tastes and textures.

Alistair on buying black cod
A little bit about the black cod industry
How Alistair cooks his halibut
Prepping a side of halibut (heard of engawa?)

Our smoked sturgeon pate served on tasty crackersOur smoked sturgeon pate served on tasty crackers

Next Smoked fish customer day

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