“Fantastic Online Retailer To Buy Frozen Seafood From” 

Organic Scottish Salmon Fillet Steaks

  • Each pack contains 2 skin on salmon fillet steaks
  • Oven bake with a bit of garlic and butter for a delicious dinner
  • A 320g pack would serve two good sized main meals

These are boneless fillet steaks from organically farmed Scottish salmon. The skin has been...

  • Each pack contains 2 skin on salmon fillet steaks
  • Oven bake with a bit of garlic and butter for a delicious dinner
  • A 320g pack would serve two good sized main meals

These are boneless fillet steaks from organically farmed Scottish salmon. The skin has been descaled. Organic salmon costs more than other farmed salmon and has a more attractive look and taste. The flesh is brighter in colour and the skin is shinier. A visit to an intensive low-cost salmon farm followed by one to an organic salmon farm would make this very clear to most people. Organic salmon is one of our top selling lines. Our organic salmon supplier is audited by The Soil Association and we are too.


How you've been using our organic salmon fillet steaks...

  • "Excellent fillets good taste and texture. We simple steam and sprinkle with soy sauce"
  • "The salmon fillet steaks, as with all the various fish ordered, came wonderfully packaged and frozen in convenient freezer packs. I have now cooked three different dishes with pairs of the fish, including a teriyaki salmon, and the fillets have been terrific. I am ordering again shortly"

Sustainability - our rating 8/10

This organic salmon comes from a farm accredited by Global G.A.P., Label Rouge, and The Soil Association. In terms of sustainable Atlantic salmon, this is top drawer. 

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Organic Scottish Salmon Fillet Steaks -
Fresher Than Fresh Money Back Guarantee
  • Organic
  • Raw
  • Scotland

We’re the UK’s No.1 specialist online fishmonger. We professionally freeze fish when it’s at it’s freshest to pause the clock on quality.